Tuesday, November 9, 2010

28 days of phrase.

For a long time, i've wondered why i see so little change in myself and the community around me.  Like the eroding soil in my back yard, what is often evident in our biosphere is the decaying of life, exposing of broken roots etc. --rather than vibrant new seedlings developing.  this is our great human dilemma. the awkward 2 inch film distorting the way we perceive things, creating that disturbing barrier between what is and what we perceive to be. ultimately, straining our ability to see, grasp, act and fulfill our potential.  In this distortion, we consistently make lateral moves with God and sit comfortably in ambivalence.

when it finally occurs to us that progression is demanded, we realize we're in the middle of an all out fight. the moment we relent, we're stuck again. in the pursuit of God the human heart wants an easy road.  we want things handed to us, like winning Lottery tickets.  we want salvation, sans the sweat strain of cultivating it.  But, when we awaken the to the atmosphere of tension, we realize there is no pain free way of living fully. to follow God, is to seek. there is no other road.

thankfully, God is miraculously reviving the misguided human heart, will, soul -- intentions, building a garden robust. He just says to the cripple, "Wake Up, take your mat and go" and we start intentionally cultivating our landscapes like caretakers and sometimes, even, we are slopping in the dirt like renegade gardeners.  So, Jesus breathes into the human soul, "wake up."  realize your potency,  wake up.  get up.  want what is good and right.  create.

behind the swollen dehydrated surface, undetectable spouts of beauty are rising. it's not a matter of what we see. it's a matter of what is. We can train our souls to trust in what is and appreciate what we see, rather than gauging all spiritual realities on what is perceptible. Everything is becoming. All things hang in the balance of realizing their fullness. The starved, outside our windows, can and should be nourished. who will do the watering? what happens when we wake up?

Encinitas, CA

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